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Something is wrong with my uTorrent


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Just a week ago my downloading speed was reaching 300kb/s and now it doesn't even go up to 25kb/s. Also, my internet browser or when i was playing WoW never lagged when uTorrent was running but now it does and i don't know what's happening. I have the latest version (1.8.3) and the image on the bottom (red,orange,green) sometimes is green and yellow or even red. I have no idea what's going on.

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If uTorrent is set to overload your connection, I'd expect these results.

But unless I know the speed of your connection (both down AND up) AND uTorrent's settings...I can't tell if that's the cause.

For uTorrent's settings, what are the 6 settings set to that are shown by Speed Guide CTRL+G?

And also any advanced settings you changed? (Changed advanced settings have an * next to them.)

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