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Big ohhh uh...


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"not only does uTorrent not work, but it screwed up my BitComet too" was what I said and I dont know, heres what happened... i normally use bitcomet... i downloaded utorrent and ran two torrents on it to see if it would work (saw this in a friend computer, speed pretty nifty). The torrents wouldnt download... Ive been trying to get this to work for a whhhhiiiilllleee now... changed firmware on my router (Linksys WRT54G) then mapped port 65000 on my router, made the test... no i wouldnt work... hrm... then downloaded utorrent v1.3 and after a bit it worked... but it said "NAT Error" in the status bar... so i used this program I have to see if the port was rly open, and it said it was... but still the test would say it wasnt... so after bout 30 minutes of it working about 25 - 30kb/s i tried switching to utorrent v1.41 and my BitComet and uTorrent both stopped working... my router is working fine but tried restarting router and comp several times now and still bitcomet and utorrent wont run. Now i lie stoned and frustrated in my desk... hence... help!

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If you get "NAT Error" you didn't open your port properly. Everytime you change program version it is possible that you have reconfigure your firewall to allow it. Are you using one? Because you failed to mention it.

To my knowledge, there is nothing in uT that would cause it to break BitComit after a computer restart. To verify this, you can completely uninstall uT by deleting the program file and the uTorrent data folder (click Start->Run and type %appdata% to see the folder).

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How did you disable the firewall in your router and what model is it?

I hate to break this to you but NIS should have a "Surgeon General's Warning: using Norton is a serious risk to your computer's health.". And it is so nasty that even if you unistall, it frequently breaks things behind...

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LOL... what do u recommend me getting as an Spyware/Antivirus/Firewall Solution then?

I have a Linksys WRT54G router (yes i downloaded the firmware), theres a firewall option to disable it... quick question, when setting up static IP's do I have to do it for every computer that connects to my router? and... Does the fact that my router has no security features enabled in it meaning anyone can access it freely possibly a problem?

WOAH... sorry guess that came out to 3 question...

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