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Strange problem with utorrent and bowsing


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hi.i have a strange problem with utorrent and browsing and my router.

i have a laptop and a desktop pc.they have both windows xp sp 2 operating system and it happens they have both the same network adapter Realtek RTL8139 Family PCI Fast Ethernet NIC.

the problem is that in my desktop i cant browse at all in internet when u torrent works but in my laptop i can browse very well when u torrent is in function.

as i told u the desktop and the laptop have exactly the same operating system and exactly the same network adapter.

i also used a patch that increases the number of tcp connections in Windows XP from 10 (default) to 50 and afterwrads in 100 but still the same problem with browsing in my desktop pc.

i think this is very strange problem.same operating system and same network adapter but laptop works ok while desktop has problem in browsing.

can anyone help me?

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