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Torrent opens with opera. Why?


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Hello. Today I have updated my utorrent to the last official version. Everything was going good except downloading. When I'm trying to open downloaded torrent file, that opening with OPERA. I'm using only safari for browsing internet and was not never downloading opera.

I was trying to select manually (right click on torrent file, open all torrent files with utorrent) but nothing. Only selected file opens with utorrent and new torrent files still opens with opera.

I want to know, does utorrent some how trying to hide-install opera on my computer? Because, how i said I was not downloading this browser.

My OS is Snow Leopard. Thank you.

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You can change file associations back to µTorrent by selecting a torrent, hitting command + i, selecting uTorrent from the "Open With" dropdown field and hitting "Change All…".

I want to know, does utorrent some how trying to hide-install opera on my computer? Because, how i said I was not downloading this browser.

µTorrent does not install Opera. Other software (Like Adobe CS) does. Type `find /Applications -name "Opera.app` in Terminal.app (found in /Applications/Utilities/) to see what application(s) installed Opera.

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