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Why do I get a download speed when seeding a 100% completed torrent


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I'm not sure what the download speed is telling me - I'm seeding a show I've already completely downloaded but I still get values in the down speed column - for instance I'm showing 6.3 kB/s for Down Speed and 127.7 kB/s for Up Speed. (I have two others as well with different combinations 1.0/20.6 and 12.0/243.3). Is this telling me that the AVAILABLE speed is 127.7 but the seeder is only downloading at 6.3??

Also what is the Reqs column? What's that telling me?



(PS it would be nice if we could make attachments to these posts for screen shots - you could cap them at a few hundred kBs)

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The main thing is that you download not only file blocks but blocks + technical information (peers, availability, torrent tracker updates, DH, peer exchange etc). For that purpose your uTorrent downloading this info during seeding. This traffic id not used in Torrents ratio on trackers. Read torrent protocol and other protocol specification for detailed info.

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