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Thnx 4 Utorrent & 20mb connection settings


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Hi all

firstly just wanna thank the peeps here for giving us utorrent, the safest and easiest torrent program around !. now lets crack on with actuall issue.

Utorrent is the program of choice that Ive used for years now but for some reason I can never get my full DL speed with. I have just today reinstalled it and followed all the tweak guides and made adjustments for the settings.

When I started to download its tells me there are 500 seeds but only connects to around 15 and for the first 10 mins the speed barley increased from 1kb/s to 50kb/s.

Just after 10 mins I noticed it was going up to 250 kb/s but dropping every 1 min or so , so basically the speed was fluctuating. After about another 5 mins or so my speed hit 900 kb/s then dropped and increased randomly and soon after that I hit what seems was a periodic cap ..

250 kb/s >

drop then increase >

500 kb/s >

drop then increase >

900 kb/s >

drop then increase >

1.1 mb/s >

drop then increase >

1.2 mb/s >

drop then increase >

After this it capped at 1.4 mb/s with only 11 seeds and stayed there for about 10 mins and then it dropped back to 700 kb/s and is now back upto 900 kb/s

Im on VirginMedia Broadband 20mb connection ( 2.4 mb/s download speed max and tested on no limit DL servers) .. Is there another reason why I dont get a stable speed and cant get my max DL speed because I dont think Virgins throttling is the problem. They only throttle me when I hit about 10gig worth of DL a day .... :) ??

My settings are set to those of your guide for 780 kb/s upload and I have capped the DL limit at 1900 kb/s. Also with past editions Ive actually hit my top speed of 2.4mb/s but not with this newer version of Utorrent.

lastly why does it tell us there are 500+ seeds but only DL's from 10 - 20 ? surely that doesnt help speeds ?

Once again thnx for Utorrent and thanx in advance for any info and help provided :)

ps. Can someone with 20mb post there utorrent setting and wether or not I need to fiddle with cache setting coz they are currently on default as im not sure if they need changing or how.



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uTorrent is configured almost ENTIRELY based on upload speed max.

Virgin Media Cable ISP in the UK is doing something to BitTorrent traffic...whether it's just monitoring it or full-blown disrupting it I am not sure, it could be time-of-day based:


Glasnost BitTorrent tester:


Best bet atm is uTorrent v2.0 rc 5...perhaps with some features disabled (DHT, Local Peer Discovery, Bandwidth management, Resolve IPs, and even Teredo/IPv6 disabled).

Seeds have their own limits. If they're already at their connection max per torrent or global max, of course you cannot connect to them. If they're firewalled, you cannot connect to them.

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