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Problem with DHT


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I don't think uttorent actually connects to DHT peers. When I load a torrent from public tracker and see DHT got 56 peers (For current torrent) and the tracker only 8. Now I check the peers list and I see I only connected to the eight from the tracker. What I need to do, to connect to the DHT peers?

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OMG... I just reread your original post, and realized that I was trying to answer the wrong question...

You're going about this in the wrong way. The DHT message telling you how many peers you got from DHT is just like the tracker scrape -- you don't necessarily connect to all of them, you just know of their existence, and can use them later if needed.

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OMG... I just reread your original post, and realized that I was trying to answer the wrong question...

You're going about this in the wrong way. The DHT message telling you how many peers you got from DHT is just like the tracker scrape -- you don't necessarily connect to all of them, you just know of their existence, and can use them later if needed.

Alright. Now, how do I use them? 8 peers from the tracker are not that great. Any extra help would help.

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