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How does ratio help us?


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hi there!

i want to explain my question in example:

let assume:

1. i download FILE1.torrent from thepiratebay.org. i begin to download and upload the file it refers to. finally i reach 1, in my ratio

2. after that, im going to download FILE2 from btjunkie.org

_ does my last ratio influence download speed and my priority in downloading FILE2 ? and how?

_ is there any necessity to keep FILE1 in utorrent after reaching the expected ratio (1 or more)? i mean if i remove the FILE1 before start downloading FILE2, does it make difference in my priority in downloading FILE2?

_ can i download a bunch of low size files and keep their ratio upper than 1 and increase my speed in other large size files??

please explain these and other information that i need

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"_ does my last ratio influence download speed and my priority in downloading FILE2 ?"

Ratio normally has no memory...the only very indirect way it affects each other is if you're uploading to the same people on both torrents -- they end up needing less of their own download+upload to get the files from others and may have more upload to "spend" on you.

Private trackers *WILL* ban you if your ratio with them is low.

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