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Utorrent How set Faster D/L Setting? Thanks.


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I use BT very slow(10K), Network normal is 200K Dn, 384K Up, already update 2.0.3 version. more seed also slow. I want to known how to setting can tune up utorrent faster ? I only used default setting.

Also I already open firewall / port, Only Download BT, not do any browser. may my isp block BT. But hope help too. I need good setting for utorrent. Thanks.

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From the 2nd link in my signature, use the 384 kilobit/second upload settings. ...This is assuming your line reaches and sustains near that amount, otherwise use 320 kbit/sec or lower!

To reduce/prevent networking issues from preventing web browsing while uTorrent is running, 1st link in my signature.

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