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Opening Ports / Opened but not Working.


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Good Evening Guys,

I hope everyone is well! I am trying to seed to several ratio dependent torrent sites and since I transferred over to uTorrent from Vuze I haven't had great speeds at uploading. I am running Comodo Internet Security Premium 5.3.175 and using Belkin Router F5D9630-4Av1. I have opened the ports on the Router fine using the Virtual Servers option as it says on Belkins website, and I think that I have opened them successfully on Comodo but not 100% sure as the guide on portfoward.com is for an older version of Comodo and is COMPLETELY different, I had a look on the Comodo website but not 100% sure if I had the right section but tried it anyway. But still seem to get a blocked notice when using the uTorrent port checker on their website and also with the portforward portcheck software, but I uTorrent I get the green tick saying everything is OK! I also seem to connect to peers/leachers but don't seem to upload very well. I have also set a static IP for all my computers operating so there is no IP conflict, and the IP I used for the virtual servers is the one for my laptop that I am using uTorrent on. When I disable the router firewall it seems to work (according to the portforward portcheck software, image attached)

I have also checked the http://forum.utorrent.com/viewtopic.php?id=7862 forum for the Comodo Firewall but it is for an older version than the one that I have. I checked the guide on portforward.com but that is old as well, so I have a guide on the Comodo website and I think that it is the correct one and that I have opened the port correctly (only opened the one that uTorrent is using) but it is also allowed on the application rule as well.

I don't really know what else to try, please help.



P.S. I tried to upload image from my computer but I don't know how to do it, there is only linking from a website in the help section.

P.P.S It seems to be affected more for both downloading and uploading to private torrents, although uploading is still very much restricted on public torrents as well!

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