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Torrent deletion?


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I know this will probably sound stupid to most of you, but since I'm generally unfamiliar with how UTorrent works... If I delete a torrent from UTorrent (one that's already finished downloading), will it delete it completely from my computer? It shouldn't, right? Just 'cos I moved them all, and then they all went red on me because UTorrent was like "omg where the fuck are they, what" and then I was going to just get UTorrent to scan through them and realise OH YEAH SHE MOVED THEM HURR HURR, but it'll take forever, so I just wanted to either A) move them back to the "Completed" folder or B) delete them off UTorrent altogether, seeing as they're all done and I don't need them on UTorrent anymore...

Help? :(

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It depends on the deletion option you choose. In all the case you delete the torrent job from the main window, but yoou can delete the .torrent, the files or both (right click on the torrent job to select the deletion option).

If you move the files, µT will display an erro because it is not aware of where you moved the files, you need to tell it (use "set download location" to move the files and continue to seed).

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