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Accidentally deleted/lost my option to "save as"


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I sometimes experiement and accidentally check the "do not show this again" not realizing that it would eliminate my ability to save torrents with specific names. Yes, I can rename them after they've downloaded, but that's a pain. Does anyone know how I can regain the ability to "save as" before clicking ok and having the torrent start to download. I rather like this ability and miss it already.

Thanks every so much from a bit of a techno illiterate.


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I played around with UI settings, and I think I have it, but how do I now unexpand, and get back to just two tabs to open it? I seemed to get the "save as" back by clicking the show a list of files in advanced. I'm blind and I don't understand some of the things with the system tray in the UI settings, so I might have done this wrong.



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