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How does Queued seeding work?


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From what I understand, you are supposed to limit your active uploads at a certain number.

But say if you have 1,000 torrents for example, and Utorrent recomends I have 13 total slots for uploads and downloads. What happens to the 9987 torrents that are queued?

How does it choose which torrents are going to seed and does this change by itself? Or do you have to constantly change which ones are seeding?

Just kind of confused because in downloading the next one starts when you finish but seeding never really finishes.

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ok easy to cover both. When you have '1000 active' it'll start 13 (or whatever your number). Then there's a setting in the advanced area, that has a bandwidth amount. if any of the torrents aren't seeding to that level after a few moments, it starts some more seeding. And this continues until '13' torrents are seeding above the minimum seeding rate. At that point, all the others are put back into the queue. When one of the 13 has their sped drop below the limit (or is stopped), the sequence starts again, with more queued torrents started.

Simple, no?

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