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180 Peers can't connnect to one seed... all other torrents working.


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I've got multiple torrents serving out on a 5 mbit line and for close to 1/2 a year now i just can not get any peers to connect on this one specific torrent.


Every other torrent serves out correctly, but the 170-200 some peers on the first highlighted one on the list can not connect now for ages ( this is after client list reset of course). I just don't get how every other torrent in the list ppl can connect to but this one never anyone can reach me on. Tried even to disable encryption in case the clients were set to not allow connection to encrypted one but still not a single client connected while all the other torrents are seeding strong. Multiple host IP addresses tried as well in case of a blocked IP. Just cant find a way around this now for many months with this one torrent only.


Edit. the list does grow too as utorrent updates. over 250 peers now trying to connect and not one able while all other torrents are still jockeying for their 5 mbit. As i mention before this is ongoing problem with only this one specific torrent for close to half a year now.

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Hi. From my experience i think this is not problem. Look at other torrents, they got peers too but u not upload to them. Sometimes trakers fake the number of leechers .. sometimes u cant connecto to them - becouse far away or dif version of the program etc... Also only 1 torrent? Not too much problem at all.

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