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Banned - Advice Needed Please


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Hi, I am not a new user but new to the forum.

Been downloading and seeding for a year now and love uTorrent. Unfortunately having just got over a hard drive failure on my iMac 27 i thought I would delete off all unnecessary file and keep the system lean.

This became a bit of an obsession and I forgot the basic rule of P2P and deleted files after they were downloaded. (Idiot Right?) This has ended up getting me banned and quite rightly if this is the reason.....

My question is Having seen the error of my ways is there any way of getting my ban lifted? I am more than happy to share and although I am not an uploader would like to resume my previous good ways.

Any advice would be appreciated.


Ok, so I am not banned............. the uTorrent client locked out and closed the port.............. But before I found that I went to the message log and saw several instances of the Banned Until Forever message???

This got me thinking I had been banned. So what do those messages mean?


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Thanks for your reply DreadWingKnight, my message log has no tabs just a window with timed entries.


[00:00:00] IPv6 is installed

[00:00:49] Banned 86.174.127.**:62331 until forever

[00:00:52] Banned 24.36.145.***:18447 until forever

I have hashed out the full ip address. Are the numbers following it port numbers for my downloads?


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