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uTorrent is STILL trying to send e-mail !!


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16.10.2005 19:54:46.738 [728] AutoPOP3(10110): Connection from process 3852

16.10.2005 19:54:46.738 [728] AutoPOP3(10110): Connection from

16.10.2005 19:54:46.738 [728] AutoPOP3(10110): Will connect to

16.10.2005 19:54:46.738 [ad0] AutoPOP3(10110): Client connected

16.10.2005 19:54:46.738 OpenInternet = 0

16.10.2005 19:54:46.738 AddTrayIcon()

16.10.2005 19:55:07.628 CloseInternet = 1

16.10.2005 19:55:07.628 RemoveTrayIcon()

16.10.2005 19:55:07.644 [ad0] AutoPOP3(10110): Cannot connect to d221-86-250.commercial.cgocable.net:110

16.10.2005 19:55:07.644 [ad0] AutoPOP3(10110): Connect: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond. (10060)

16.10.2005 19:55:07.644 [ad0] AutoPOP3(10110): PROXY:S:-ERR AVG POP3 Proxy Server: Cannot connect to the mail server!

16.10.2005 19:55:07.863 [ad0] AutoPOP3(10110): Client disconnected


its the resident e-mail scanner that is picking it up ... and the only reason for it to pick anything up would be if data is being sent out on that port ... which is kind of alittle out of the range of normal bit-torrent traffic.


I even just checked ALL of the clients connected to me via uTorrent and none have the host that is identified in that log. ... this is very odd.

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Just because it's outside the normal port range for a torrent client doesn't mean that one isn't using it.

Port 110 is normally designated as POP3 traffic - this is all AVG is picking up on, the port number.

Some people use standard service ports to bypass some form of port blocking where they are at work, uni, etc, etc.

You also get this with the likes of eDonkey clients, eg. I've had warnings from ZA saying that Shareaza wants to send email - it doesn't, it just wants to connect to a node who's using port 25.

Port 110 is POP3 = incoming email, (http://grc.com/port_110.htm), your log shows that uTorrent is trying to receive email not send it.

And the reason you don't see a client connected is because AVG disconnected because it didn't receive a reply from a mail server.

The problem is AVG, (it should filter better), not uTorrent.

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