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Missing download


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Today I clicked on a magnet link and uTorrent asked me where I wanted to save and everything, like it always does. I clicked OK and the software immediately offered me to upgrade. So I did, now I have the ad-supported version 3.2.3. I couldn't find my download anywhere. I thought it had not gone through maybe, because it installed the new uTorrent and all. So I clicked the magnet link again, and I got that message that says "You're downloading that already, do you want to add trackers to it?"

So that's my problem. The download is not in the software, and there's also no trace of any files being downloaded to the folder I set it to. But the software remembers that I already added that URI and it won't let me add it again.

Windows 7 64bit

uTorrent 3.2.3 build 28705

Thank you very much for your help.

PS: I already tried restarting the software and downloading the torrent file instead.

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