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Sorting glitch


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When moving torrents up and down the que, nothing visibly changes until I click a column. For example I like to sort my torrents by size remaining, but I can't shift the order around as i like, because after every torrent I need to click a column for them to change position (any column seems to do the trick :o). I'm not sure if there is a setting I have changed, or a bug, but this is definitely a new issue for me.

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I'll have to fraps it to explain it I think -.-'. It's not easy to put to words :/. Just to clarify, it happens when I sort with ANY column. Even when I pause and start a highlighted torrent, visibly nothing changes, but then I click out of the screen or click a column, and bam...suddenly it shows that the torrent has changed (whether from sorting or pausing ect).

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Oh and please tell me these are not completed jobs that you are trying to re-order.

It's funny you mention completed jobs, because a similar problem arises when jobs complete. They complete (the pop up comes up and everything) but until I resort using another column, or click the same one again, they don't show up as completed. I honestly have no clue what the hell is going on, didn't have this problem until just a few days ago, and it took awhile to even figure out what was going on.

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