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Efficient seeding?


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Hello, i'm planning on uploading about 50-100 torrents to a private tracker. I've heard it's bad to let a ton of torrents seed at the same time so what's the best way to go about this? I know default utorrent sets more than.. I think 3 or 4 seeded torrents it will queue the rest. If people want to access files on the queued torrents will it switch over automatically? Otherwise I can't see a more efficient way to seed than set the max seeded torrents to unlimited..

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I've been seeding over 100 torrents at the same time, but every so often, my Netgear 3700 takes a crap and starts dropping packets because it can't handle the number of connections.

Even if I set uTorrent to a small 128 connection global limit and throttle it to 2mb/s, if I let it seed 100+ torrents, it eventually overwhelms my router.

You could try 100 torrents just to see how it goes. If that gives you issues, try 50 torrents. Just keep cutting in half until you find a value that doesn't cause your router to take a crap.

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try 50 torrents. Just keep cutting in half until you find a value that doesn't cause your router to take a crap.

And you'll probably find that 25 is about the safe limit for uT and your router.


You may also find that bypassing your routers DNS cache will also lighten the router load significantly.

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