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Clarification seed/peer question


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Hi , i've been using bitorrent for a little while and firewall , speed and set up are'nt a problem as i have dl=12 gig & ul=16 gig in statistics on a 512/128 connection and have usually chosen well supported torrents. The torrent i'm currently trying to dl is not that popular and has currently (0) 9 seeds and (15) 85 peers. My question is although i'm dling @ a very slow rate (expected) will i be able to complete the download? It's not a private flag torrent. Have read the FAQ and forums search and it seems i'm connected to 0 seeds with 9 in the swarm and 15 peers with 85 in the swarm which i am getting pieces from (375 meg from 755meg file so far). I still am unsure about banning/snubbing etc and was woundering if this was happening but would'nt think so with my ratio. On a side note how do people know what you're ratio is ? Thx for any help.

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the tracker knows your ratio!

no need for you to worry if you use µT. It plays at least fair and their is no kick and ban feature in it so don't be afraid to be unjustifiedly banned by other µT users.

If you are able to complete the torrent depends if the file availability is >=1 at the end when there is in the moment no seeder with 100% of the file in the swarm. But some seeder might come back sooner or later.

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