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comics download from RSS feed


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Is there a way this is possible ?

I am downloading some TV shows using RSS feed, but I cannot filter comics the same way - I do not have a season/episode number for them, or movie properties, like the filters ask for.


Is there possible to have something like this ?

Or do you have any "hacks" that may work ?

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besides the fact that yes, I would like to have unique numbers, I would like to go *Avengers*by*KmnoUK* , and then say from number 754 up - that way I could filter the release by string, and edition number...

we are assuming the naming is consistent, as for the most releases it is, so that could work


but I tried tricking the tv rss feed to get comics for me, and it just wouldn't....

either it's looking for a movie format and canot find one, either for season, ep number and just the same...


has anybody succesfully pulled comics using the RSS ?...

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