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uTorrent lost my torrents after Windows update. PLEASE patch and fix


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uTorrent developers: PUHLEEEASE!!!  This keeps happening to lots of us, over and over.  It seems to happen most often after a Windows update.  It's so easy to exit uTorrent when the list is empty and thereby screw oneself royally by overwriting the resume.dat.old file.  Please do the following:

1) Tell me how to find my partially downloaded torrents so I can at least delete them prior to the waste of my energy to start the download again.

2) Make uTorrent more robust to keep this from happening.

3) Put code in uTorrent that if it comes up with an empty list, it will look at the resume,dat,old file and not overwrite it if there were torrents listed before or keep several generations of the list so those of us so afflicted have some reasonable way to recover and resume.

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