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search problems


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I don't know if it's my server or what the problem is.It just started today.I copied and pasted the message I'm getting.

Any help is appreciated.


Your client does not have permission to get URL /custom?cx=001540543245121905555%3Ag0oosugtilk&cof=AH%3Aleft%3BALC%3A%23007f1b%3BBGC%3A%23FFFFFF%3BCX%3Autorrent%252Ecom%2520Torrent%2520Search%2520%2528Post-Jan09%2529%3BDIV%3A%23CCCCCC%3BFORID%3A11%3BGALT%3A%23676767%3BGFNT%3A%23676767%3BGIMP%3A%23676767%3BL%3Ahttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2Fcoop%2Fintl%2Fen%2Fimages%2Fcustom_search_sm.gif%3BLC%3A%23007f1b%3BLH%3A65%3BLP%3A1%3BT%3A%23000000%3BVLC%3A%235a8b62%3B&ie=UTF-8&as_q=filetype%3Atorrent&q=cannonball+run&sa=Search&ad=w9&num=10&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.utorrent.com%2Fsearch%2Fresults%3Fcx%3D001540543245121905555%253Ag0oosugtilk%26cof%3DFORID%253A11%26ie%3DUTF-8%26as_q%3Dfiletype%253Atorrent%26q%3Dcannonball%2Brun%26sa%3DSearch&adkw=AELymgUo6r8Pw0lSgVhGUa0wqAFUCXN53qTnroJ6Cpip4c88BNuDOCjt_yw3xI2a_pjmHgKoa7bCLl4nsk7yM-x8VKwnsejNrAeRx0jDEWrbQ127ywtxI8jU3QrTRVVgePnToF52ZMwu&hl=en&oe=UTF-8&client=pub-2464463435440936&channel=5889848337 from this server. (Client IP address:

We apologize for your inconvenience, but this request could not be processed.

Please click here to continue your search on Google.

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I see what you are saying. Was everyone having this 'Forbidden' search glitch? Do you know if it is going to be fixed & go back to the way it was? Even when I do a search directly on the uTorrent.com site I get that 'Forbidden' message. Definately not as user friendly to do quick .torrent searches now.

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As you want, it's not necessary. uT search bar works without that.

Search redirections to uTorrent.com allow BitTorrent company to make money when users make searches from their client.

But if you don't like too see an advertising frame on top like me when you're redirected (especially if you have browser addon like ABP, you got a useless blank frame), you can keep gui.bypass_search_redirect to true.

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"Once it is fixed will I need to change 'gui.bypass_search_redirect to true in Preferences > Advanced' back to false"

Can you tell what this means in computer for dummies terms? I just downloaded uTorrent 1.8.2 and have not been able to download anything, so don't know anything about it

Same prob with the forbidden message.


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