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Posts posted by DeathStalker

  1. Also, when I add a torrent, WHY does it keep prompting me to add an RSS feed? I don't want RSS at *all* - even in the left-side list, but I cannot find a way to remove it or the prompts.


    Additionally, RC5 seems to have made me completely unconnectable, even when the port show open (and I have tried different ports - and yes, I sync'd them with the router) :(

  2. Ok, trying RC5 now - seems a LOT better. I tried it with my existing Settings and with a blank Settings file. However, I still get the Disk Overload unless I override the cache and set it to 1800. Also, when I used the new Settings file, it switched on the Partfile option, so some of the partial titles had to download additional data - not critical, but a bit annoying. What *was* critical, was that these partial downloads (with the new Settings file) required a Forced ReCheck (as they indicated "missing files") and when hashing one, I got the Disk Overload, so I hit STOP, waited a few seconds, then selected Force ReCheck - and the program locked up. *Fortunately*, the "close" bug appears to have been resolved, and I was able to successfully close the program and re-start it (though that forced all the active DLs to be checked - again, a pain, but not critical.)

    Hopefully the stop/re-start hash lock-up issue can be resolved without much trouble.

    <Keeps fingers crossed>

  3. rafi - there are indeed still MANY issues (and crashes) with 3.13 "stable" - IMHO, there is, at this point, *no* "stable" 3x release.

    Like I mentioned before, it really seems that the team needs a *strong* project manager - I've been in software development for many years, and have seen the success or failure of a project rest on the shoulders of a good PM. This is NOT to say that uT has poor coders or poor testers - they don't - they have VERY good ones - I just think that the project needs to be managed better. It has *grown* (and will continue to do so), and as a result, you can't just run it like a grass-roots/mom&pop group. It simply needs better and stronger coordination.

  4. Honestly rafi, it seems more like a mis-guided Alpha. I've done a LOT of beta testing, and you just have to learn to know when to go down a different path. Known bugs not thoroughly tested, derivative bugs introduced. With all honestly, were this a professional, private organization, there would be old blood out and new blood in.

    Maybe making it open source in a better way to go (and just hang on to the uT+). With a limited number of like-minded devs, you get a diminishing gene pool (and I am NOT trying to be insulting) - it's just a developmental fact. People get stuck in a rut - and I think we're in a rut with 3x. I don't code (by any means), but I DO perform a LOT of analysis/SIT/UAT and bug fixing, and have done so for many years. simply maintain that this is not the right path to go down - no flaming or blaming involved.


    interesting. I hadn't read the post above mine before posting. "Outsourcing" would NOT be the way to go, but Open Sourcing just might. IMHO.


    Just professional curiosity - are there any *real* professional Program/Project Managers running things? Any PMPs? Or is everyone a cook (dev)?

    Food for thought ....

  5. One must question *when* it gets deemed too broke to fix? When are the problems more than the solutions. And when should another path, though closely aligned, be taken?

    I still maintain that the 3x - and especially the 3.2x path is irrevocably broken.

    Hey, simple guideline - if rafi can break it, it ain't fixed ;)

  6. Ok, so I'll try it again on a "clean" (stand-alone) install, then add my current resume.dat file.

    (Will try with 3.13 stable, since the last 3.2 beta has issues with s/p)

    Akkh! Can't - 3.1.3 has the hanging issue under x64 :(

    So what version would be suggested?

    Thanks <sigh>

  7. For the sake of argument (as someone else was utterly denigrating in attitude), I tried an experiment - comparing the same load under 2.2.1 and a couple versions of 3x and *everything* is "lighter" on 2.2.1 - hash checks go faster, there is less CPU load, less RAM consumed, more connections, and faster speeds.

    I *have* created the 3x settings from scratch *using* the recommended settings - 2.2.1 is simply running more efficiently.

    My only complaint is that I actually like the UI for 3x better (combined Status column, additional categories, etc)

    Unless someone can post comprehensive "best settings" list, I'll have to stick with 2.2.1.

    Personally, I think it would be a wise move to make the DAT files unencoded (no, I'm not a programmer, so I don't know why they are the way they are, but it makes it rather difficult to make changes to, even with BEncode).

    Maybe someone can post a best "settings.dat" file for people to try? My Settings.dat file is ~270k under 3x and ~233k under 2.2.1.


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