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Everything posted by Firon

  1. If it's not in the changelog, it ain't fixed.
  2. New build up with a minor fix + more crashfixes.
  3. Are you sure you're actually running the 64-bit build? I just tested it and did not get an update to a 32-bit build.
  4. This is not necessarily running out of memory, but any number of errors that can lead to this state. Try out the new build to see if it still happens.
  5. We have not attempted to fix this bug. We'll resolve it soon.
  6. It's a different bug... they fixed the IPv6 issue, and now there's a UPnP hang. Turn off UPnP and the problem will go away. This is just a promo build. I'll post the changelog shortly.
  7. New version up with a few crash fixes, but there will be some GUI bugs, a lot of them apps related.
  8. Once you have a proxy somewhere, you just open the preferences and add the proxy there. The user manual (press F1) details all the proxy options.
  9. The stable client isn't going to get updates.
  10. The feature is planned, but it may not happen until 3.1.
  11. Well, what we saw happening was that users would accidentally disable the sidebar and get stuck in another view without knowing how to get back. But we implemented this sometime last year. Definitely not new. Also, new 3.0 up. This one should hopefully be a lot more stable than the previous release.
  12. New build up! This should fix the add torrent dialog, along with several RSS issues and other bugs. There is a known issue with RSS: if you add a slow-loading RSS feed, then try to add another one before the first has loaded, the client will crash. This will be fixed in the next release.
  13. Only new users will ever see it, and it's a random chance even then.
  14. This is intentional (and not a new change at all), so you never get stuck in another view with the sidebar disabled.
  15. We'll have a new build up later today with some more fixes.
  16. It's not dead, but progress has been slow, largely since the focus was getting 2.2.1 stable (and getting the 32-bit 3.0 to beta).
  17. The executable is correct, but the website takes a while to update.
  18. The new 2.2.1 I just put up will now show you the red status icon if the tracker goes down on private torrents.
  19. tanstaafl, use the tracker status column to find which ones have a problem. The problem with showing the red icon is that for 99.9% of the torrents, it says there's a problem when there isn't actually one. DHT is more than sufficient to find peers. Hell, for a lot of torrents still floating out there, the tracker's been gone for ages, but the torrent is still very much alive. It should probably show it regardless of how many peers you have for private torrents, though.
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