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Everything posted by dyep

  1. Hey Rafi, is it possible to post a changelog to what you added/removed or updated to your settings on the frontpage? That way people like myself can see if you maybe updated some settings in the 'settings.dat' file or changed something else within the program settings. I just always like knowing what new thinkgs were added/removed/changed. Thanks again for putting this guide together, helped me understand a lot of things and get my speed back up to where it was before!
  2. utorrent 3.x and up has started getting banned on a lot trackers and therefore can't use the client. Due to a serious bug in uTorrent 3.1 that causes it not to ban peers sending bad data, we have been forced to remove it from our client whitelist. We're sorry for the inconvenience. That's what the site I use utorrent on had posted in their forum, any way you guys can quickly fix this bug so it can be used on the sites again because if not then a majority of people will be forced to go back to 2.2.1 and not update to the newer versions of utorrent if it can't be used with a majority of sites.
  3. Again... no changelog, why is this so hard for a company like this when uTorrent is one of the most used torrent client in the world? Seems like unorganization and laziness to me. I really hope this is the last time a new version comes out without us having any clue as to what the changes are because this reflects very badly on the company.
  4. If you go to http://www.utorrent.com/downloads you will see that it shows December 14' date=' 2011. Earlier today, they had build 26606 on the download page and they didn't post a changelog. And instead of them posting one they just reverted the build number back to 26595. Is it too much to ask for a changelog as soon as a new build number is up? I remember people complaining about this same exact thing months ago. Admin and staff, please get on top of things and post a changelog as soon as a new build is up for download so we don't have to ask everytime.[/quote'] I think you may have seen a misplaced release for another product. There was no 26606 for utorrent. We apologize for the inconvenience . Oh ok, was just wondering because it was up in the morning then gone when I got back to check. Thanks for clearing that up.
  5. Thanks for taking the time to explain them, I now have a much better idea of what those features do. Yeah, a 3.1 specific settings.dat file would be great.
  6. what r u talking about? If you go to http://www.utorrent.com/downloads you will see that it shows December 14, 2011. Earlier today, they had build 26606 on the download page and they didn't post a changelog. And instead of them posting one they just reverted the build number back to 26595. Is it too much to ask for a changelog as soon as a new build number is up? I remember people complaining about this same exact thing months ago. Admin and staff, please get on top of things and post a changelog as soon as a new build is up for download so we don't have to ask everytime.
  7. What is the changelog for build 26606?
  8. Dude rafi, you are a genius!! Ever since I upgraded to version 3 of utorrent, I was having problems with the speed fluctuating and my browsing speed being VERY slow. Once I applied your setting to version 3.1, it's been smooth sailing for the most part. A lot better than what it used to be. I had a few quick questions though: 1. Why is the bandwidth management enabled by default? Is that mostly used for improving the browsing speed while downloading with utorrent? 2. In the Global rate limit options, both 'apply rate limit to transport overhead' and 'apply rate limit to uTP connections' are checked. What are those intended to do? Thanks again for taking the time to put together this usefull guide, appreciate it.
  9. Your pure logic eludes me... How should a user know the 'life-span' of a new release ? - He sees a new build # - He thinks, hey, they've fixed something let's see what and take it. - He goes to see the log - He sees nada - He thinks - hey, they probably introduced a new hidden spyware/toolbar (or - very unprofessional of them...) Better keep away - He goes to download Vuze instead... Does that makes it clearer for you now ? Be serious... My point exactly, even if it is a "minor" update to the installer.. please list them as most users who actively use your product would like to be informed of all the changes being made to the software. And rafi is correct, when most users see a changed build number, they automatically wonder what is new with it... I mean, it shouldn't be hard to post the changes, even if they are minor.
  10. Are you serious? Still no changelog? There is almost a new build every few days... Very unprofessional and not listening to the numerous users who have also said they would like a changelog with each new release/build. Is it so hard to let us know what's changed from each release?? God, this is unbelievable.
  11. Changelog please. Don't know why you guys never post the changelog for new version right when you release the update. We always have to ask about it before you post them up.... kinda weird.
  12. Hey rafi, just wanted to thank you for taking the time to make/upgrade the guide as needed. It really helps to have all the tweaks in one place. I went through your whole guide and changed some settings that you recommended on my Windows 7 x64 and I no more have any speed or disk cache issues. Thank you and I hope you will continue to update the guide if needed with newer versions of utorrent.
  13. I'm sure it's not hard to tell us what the changes are regardless of how big or small the changes are. Therefore, it should be done to inform it's users of any changes, even minor ones. Please take this into consideration the next time you make a change to the uTorrent build number.
  14. Either way, it would be nice to see what the changes are, big or small.
  15. What's new in Build 23235?? (11-17-2010)
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