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help with understand why my downloads might be so slow?


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so i've been checking around, this forum, and the web and i've been having trouble with ever single link that would be helpfull giving me a 404 or a redirect back to the forum page. my speed test.net results say i have 17 Mbs down .50 Mbs up, and when i download one of those ubuntu torrents with great seeds it says i should be able to run at a comfortable 1.2 Mbs give or take.1 when i download most other things i sometimes bottom out as low as 100 kBs.


what i really want to know is how my internet speed should affect my setting but any of the guide link to 404, any help would be appreciated


my current ISP is Teksavvy they dont throttle me (at least not alot) i've been using utorrent for a long time without really knowing whats going on i ussually just go for high seed low leech torrents on piratebay but i want to understand more about what utorrent is telling me about my torrents


and yes i did use speed test results: 17 Mbs down .50 Mbs up

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What kinda ISP do you have? No one here can know that but you. Did you use something like http://www.speedtest.net/to test your bandwidth first before coming here that would be a good test to start. Also did you consider your ISP is also throttling any kinda torrent activities as well. If you speeds and download for anything besides torrent is fine then your ISP is definitly throttling torrent usage.

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