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I have the following problems unable to create cache directory C:\Program files (x86)\utorrent\cache.What can i do?When i try to shut down my computer it says Unable to save the resume file Some data may be lost.(another program might have the file open or the disk is full Please correct this and click retry If you press cancel the resume file will not be saved )


Running uTorrent on portable mode means that you are running it on a removable device so that it can be used on different computer systems without having to worry about settings, paths and configuration files. It can also be used to avoid leaving traces of uTorrent running on a computer system. However, switching your portable mode to unportable, the most simple step to be done is to restore the settings. This will undo the uTorrent portable mode settings and brings you back to the normal uTorrent.


The problem is that i have downloaded some torrents only partialy and if i load them all in AUTOLOAD it just registers old torrents multiple times and it dosen`t chekc them to see if i have them on my HDD. How do i load torrents with the same torrent tracker in the same postion as they were before my windows format.Is there such a way?


You talking about this part

Loading torrents in µTorrent

Loading a single torrent for seeding is simple enough provided you know the location of the .torrent and the files.

  1. In µTorrent, click File > Add Torrent (no default save)
  2. Browse your way to the .torrent file you wish to seed and select.
  3. Browse your way to the folder where the files are located and select the folder.

The torrent should appear in the torrent window and load (you will see the % climb up as µTorrent checks the file).

I have to manually load every torrent? Again and if i haven`t downloaded the whole torrent only parts of it (say only the mp4`s and not the mp3 ) i have to check every torrent and upload it manually and have it checked 1 by 1 and i have to do this process for all 200 torrents that i want to keep my good ratio?


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