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Upload restriction slowing download speed


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i assume the program doesn’t want the upload speed restricted at all, therefore if it sees ANY upload restriction it then reduces the download speed .....is that correct....?

if true I don’t really see the point in having the option to restrict upload speed.

my torrent download behaves strange, it appears the upload speed increases which causes the download speed to drop off, then the upload speed drops off and the download speed increases again......not sure if it’s that way round, it’s a quaetion of chicken or the egg......but it cycles every 5-10 seconds continually like this.

i thought if I restricted the upload speed this may even things out, but it simply drops up and download speed very low continually.....

any ideas please ?



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Not correct. Upload WILL slow download not because utorrent wants to , but because if you set it to unlimited, the upload may saturate/load your connection upload, leaving no bandwidth to the TCP/UDP download ack-s packets, which , in turn WILL slow your download.

You should limit your upload to no more then ~80% of your upload bandwidth. Make sure you leave about 5% of your  download bandwidth free in the UP direction.

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