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Download volume suspiciously high ???


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Hi, I have just installed uTorrent about two weeks ago. I have been using it solely on a number of days to download a couple of torrents. One was approx 350MB and the other is about 3.5G. On each day, from the downloaded stat (and this corresponds to my calculation for the day using the percentage downloaded at the start of the day and that at the end of the day, the resultant figure is much less (say 1/2) than that reported by my ISP volume usage.

Up until this time, I have not had a problem with what the ISP has said has been downloaded to me, if it says 300MB, that has been pretty much what I thought I downloaded etc. etc..

The ISP says they count anything coming into their network that will be routed to my IP address while I am logged onto the network (the broadband router that is).

As an example, yesterday, I have a single download running from 8am to 10pm, the size of the download is 3.4G and the percentage downloaded for the day was less than ten percent. (To cut off any queries re the lack of speed, my download limit for the month was blown away a week ago due to this problem, so my download is shaped to 64k). So to be generous that would equal about 350MB for the day, however, the ISP has reported my download usage as 795MB.

In the active list, I have this item plus the previously completed 350MB item which are both being uploaded/shared at full speed (my upload is roughly 1Mb/s). My uploads do NOT count towards my download volume.

I am not blaming this software, but cannot ignore the timing of this problem with starting to use this software so am hoping it is just some setting I need to tweak to get back to the status quo and will aprreciate any help any of you can give.

Thanks in advance,


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first general rule: before using any program read the manual!

If you would have done in this case you would have known that you are not supposed to set uploadspeed to unlimited, but to the value that represents your actual upload speed.

And your ISP oviously counts every packet that comes to you. µT counts only the content not the "traffic overhead and control data"

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Must have missed something in the manual then, very sorry.

I had set the upload limit to be close to my upload limit as when running this, I was not running anything else and therefore wanted to give as much as possible to other users.

Are you saying that by doing this that there is that much "extra" traffic causing this excessive upload ?

This does not seem to happen under exactly the same circumstances using LimeWire or BitTorrent 4.4.1 by Bram Cohen. Can anyone elaborate further ??

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