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Hello , first time user of uTorrent.... help please to set the config


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Can someone please help me to setup the configuration properly ... ive no idea how many torrent peers files i should have open , Ive read that if I open too many then it can hamper my speeds

I live in the UK and im using BT Total Broadband who have given me 8128 kbps Downstream and 448 kbps upstream , but regular speed tests give me around 6000 kbps downstream and 370 Upstream ... can someone please help me to fill in the fileds , i.e.:- Global Maximum Upload and Download rate plus Global maximum number of connections , maximum number of connected peers per torrent and number of upload slots per torrent.

I'd really appreciate/be greatfull if someone who knows how to do this that would help me out

Many Thanks in advance

Ive read the sticky about dividing the uplaod by 10 and times .80 but im a comp nood and am really struggling


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I am using uTorrent 6.1

and have the following configuration settings ....

Connection tab:

I have opened a port and have a green tick

Enable UPnP port mapping (ticked)

Global Maximum Upload rate:35

Global Maximum Download rate:32512


BitTorrent Tab:

Global Maximum Number of Connections: 448

Maximum Connected Number of Peers per torrent:16

Number of Uplaod slots per torrent:8


Queing Tab:

Maximum Number of Active Torrents(Upload or Download):3

Maximum Number of active downloads:3

Im running 3 torrents just now...

seeds ... peers ...down speed...up speed

1 3(3) ... 9(15) ... 26.3 ... 19.2

2 2(13) ... 14(295) ... 6.2 ... 8.7

3 0(3) ... 16(139) ... 17.0 ... 7.0

are these reasonable speeds for my connections or is there anything I can/should change in the configuration?



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