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Is my Utorrent working correctly?


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Here is a screenshot of a file I am downloading - I am guessing that its working the way it should, although whenever I try to test my connection it gives me the error message:

Welcome to the µTorrent Port Checker.

A test will be performed on your computer to check if the specified port is opened.

Checking port 29367 on

Error! Port 29367 does not appear to be open.

I am using a Dlink DI-604 router and have forwarded the port as per instructions on portforward. Being new to this program I am still not sure things are working as well as they should. I am on a satellite (bluesky) connection. The green checkmark icon will most of the time show an alert (!) but then will turn green as in my screenshot. But it the file seems to continue to download regardless of the status of the icon.



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