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Terrible Upload Speed


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I know there are hundreds of post about upload/download speeds, but my situation is as follows:

A buddy of mine has created a torrent and sent it to me, I've opened it and now I'm downloading the file...the problem is my download speed (for that specific file) never exceeds 3-5 Kb/s!!!

I have utorrent 1.6 and DSL-512 and so does he. Since my dnld speed is fine for other files, I figured I must be limited by his upload speed, so I had him try to increase his upload speed and tweak D/U ratio, his open-port test shows the port 16355 forwarded, so we don't know what to do. His upload speed for other files he's sharing is in the 20-30kb/s, so we don't what the hell is going on...He even stopped downloading and uploading every file he had...still his upload for that specific file he's sharing with ME is still to Ftoo f***** Low. Any Help is appreciated....THX

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You always have to remember - this is internet.

Even if your buddy is living next door, sometimes it is enough to have different ISPs and data packets between you can go around half of the world....ok, I exaggerate here, but not too much :)

Still only 5kB/s transfers between you are quite suspicious.

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You could firewall off the tracker so your computer can't reach it and your buddy could do the same and then enter each other's ip to connect to each other. Set upload slots to only 1 and it should upload to you as good as it should...barring blocking/throttling by your ISP.

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