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Not connecting to seeds


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I seem to as of recently have the problem that uTorrent refuses to connect to seeds on some torrents. I say some, because on totally random ones it'll work fine, but I guess the "majority" of them it seems to not work on properly.

To kinda illustrate what I mean: http://img457.imageshack.us/img457/9034/utorfj9.png

I have a router, it is manually forwarding the uTorrent port TCP and UDP to the correct computer. I'm somewhat at a lack of ideas, I thought it might be just some trackers, but at this point so many of them are not working for me that I'm starting to rule that idea out. Anyone have any ideas at all or things to try?

( While writing this post, I actually just thought of trying a different client, I'll post the results from that to see what happens. )


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The torrent that's still downloading and I have seed connections on is >1 for availability.

The ones that I'm not getting any seed connections on are all pretty much at the availability that I have them downloaded to.

I also just tried the official BT client, just to see what would happen. And I pretty much get the same thing, it says that there are 1.94 distributed copies, but won't seem to connect to anyone with a 100% copy, or even to anyone with the parts I need.

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Hmm, kay, I'll keep playing around for now -- it seems that I get it on torrents like OpenOffice and Linux distributions too occasionally -- but there it may be related to something else. Thanks for the note, I'll see how it goes for another week and then maybe come back with more details.

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