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default directory for .torrent files


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Just wondering what default directory uTorrent (v1.4) puts the .torrent files in, if you don't select a directory in the options menu.

The reason I ask is because, while reinstalling Windows, I pasted my uTorrent directory onto a separate hard drive. After reinstalling Windows, I put uTorrent back and reran the program, hoping to finish a large file that I had started, but it didn't recognize any parts of that file which had already been downloaded. I'm assuming I need the original .torrent files in order to scan the download directory and find the files/file parts which have already been downloaded.


- Scott

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I think what I was doing wrong was that I was opening the torrent file directly from the server with uTorrent, instead of saving the torrent to my hard drive and then opening from the hard drive. Not sure why but that seemed to fix the problem.

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