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Limited Download Speed stuck on


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Hi, for some reason my downloads are limited to a max of 30kb/s (total). This is when it is setup to run at unlimited speed. At the bottom of the screen it even say 'Download limited' right next to 'DHT:281 nodes'. All of the option settings are ok. I only use this scheduler to turn full on or off - even disabling the schedular completely makes no difference. Didn't do this at end of last year but not sure when it happened. PLEASE HELP ME

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Ok, so I have Verizon DSL with my max DL speed of 1.5 megabits but my upstream is a whopping 128 kb. If setting my UL speed to 6 kB/s actually meant it stayed at 6kB/s that would be fine with me and allow me to do other things while running uTorrent. Unfortunately it spikes between 10 and 12 kB, leaving me with very little upstream to do anything else (such as playing World of Warcraft). Leaving it at 5kB/s upload rate it works fine, but my DL speed is throttled because the devs decided that I'm not carrying my fair share. Guess I'm looking for another torrent program

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Torrents die if people don't share back. Being able to download at "only" 6 times your upload rate is a LOT better than many people can hope to get on their BitTorrent-throttled ISPs.

Another reason why you see bandwidth bursts on the upload side is you've failed to set your other settings to match your upload limits. Just maintaining 100 connections can eat a chunk of upload bandwidth. And downloading has some upload bandwidth usage to keep the download going.

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I have now adjusted all of my settings as recommended in the setup guide and so my max upload speed is now 43kB/s but now my download speed averages only between 0.2kB/s and 2.5kB/s!

At this rate I might have downloaded 1 movie by around Xmas - thanks for your help but I think I might just live with the guilt of having an upload speed of 5kB/s and enjoy the 30kB/s download.

A lot of my friends get a lot better speeds than that (that's why I thought 30 was slow) but they use a different program I think

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Switeck, I used Azureus for about 3 years before I switched over to uTorrent with absolutely no bandwidth problems using the same settings I'm attempting to use now. The only reason I switched is because Azureus is a memory hog that gives me a choppy framerate when DLing and playing Warcraft at the same time.

I understand that torrents die when people don't share back. But its pretty stupid that I'm going to be throttled if I set my upload speed to its (in my experience) optimal setting.

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You haven't adjusted all of your settings as recommended in the setup guide.

No, really!

You don't have as much upload bandwidth as you think you have.

Almost nobody does.

Because the point where it all balances is often where you get the MOST download speed on hard-to-finish torrents, not the least.

Right now, I am TRYING to upload to someone in Singapore. Their connection to me is lucky to last past the automatic 30 second timeout for dead connections. So they connect...and disconnect over and over again. Once out of maybe 5-10 times, I'm able to get off a burst of 16 KiloBYTES to them...which starts out at ~5 KiloBytes/sec and quickly trickles down to nothing. They've gotten less than a MegaByte from me in the last 5 hours. Their ISP is simply killing them.

I'm not asking you to give up anything, and I'm not asking anything unreasonable...yet. It is good if you get 6 times your upload rate. Use what works. If anything, while playing an online game, being limited to 30 KiloBytes/sec download on a limited line is probably a good thing. You could use Scheduler if you played at regular hours and get the best of both worlds. You can set alternate upload speed for when just seeding.

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A lot of my friends get a lot better speeds than that (that's why I thought 30 was slow) but they use a different program I think

No, they simply know what their upload speed is and have properly configured their clients. Now is your turn...

Once again: what is upload speed of your connection. Either you should obtain this info from your ISP, or at least measure it by yourself. Then, choose appropriate selection in speed guide. Simple as that.

If, by any chance, download is still choking then you can adjust (decrease) your upload settings in utorrent manually, as long as it will be stable and download will be satisfactory... and much higher than those 30kB/s you have now

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