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Edit announce-url of an existing torrent


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I've been searching everywhere for a program (or easy script) that can change the announce url of an existing torrent without breaking it. I'm well aware of MakeTorrent, but since I need DHT DISABLED, it doesn't work for me.

Also, when trying, Notepad, Wordpad or Notepad++, the torrent gets corrupted, hence they're not either a solution for my problem.

So, does someone know if there is a program, or even a good solution for my problem? DHT needs to be disabled. Well, everything has to be as it's original state, but the announce url.

Thanks in advance!


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Thanks for your answer!

I've started looking into the btreannounce.py. Thanks!

While I do this, I still would like something else to use in the meantime. You said there was several applications that could edit the announce url without touching anything else - could you name some of them?

Thanks in advance!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Actually, DreadWingKnight, I'd really need that utility you had. I haven't found any other way, even though me and a friend has tried a lot.

You said that there was several torrent editors out that that could change the announce url without touching anything else - which are they?


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