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ever since i got my new computer ive had problems with utorrent. at first it was "Error: Access Denied" / "Error: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process." then it stopped now its unable to map upnp port and its not downloading any help would be much appreciated

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Hi e-Dizzle or DreadWingKnight:

just thought of something as I was having the same problems/symptoms. I recently purchase a PC with Windows Vista Premium and loaded utorrent 1.7.

After removing all the 'Bells & Whistles' software, removing the preloaded McAfee, disabling the windows firewall; I still got this "Error - Process" msg. But I read the FAQ and especially the paragraph regarding the thumbnails and it eluded me to what seems to be the potential solution right away:

Vista has a pre-loaded, pre-configured application called WIndows Media Manager which constantly does monitoring on your files. I disabled this and I now no longer receive the error message.

Something useful as we Vista users learn the nuances of managing this new OS and torrents.



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