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Error Message


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I'm having problem with the music download,when ever i requested a download,i received a message saying "Error: The file has been deleted."This problem only started only 2 or 3 days ago.I've successfully downloaded music before,can you help me with this problem.I'm new to this download and computer environment,so please give me a very very simple explanation.I've read FAQ,which doesn't seem to help.Here is a copy on the browser - http://cache.mybittorrent.com/index.php?string=TWpBd055MHdNaTB3Tm53dGZERXdPREV3Tm53dGZGTjBaV1ZzZVNCRVlXNHRVSEpsZEhwbGJDQk1iMmRwWXloRVlYSnJjMmxrWlY5U1J5bDhMWHg4TFh3NU5USTVmQzE4TmpnNE5ETjhMWHh6ZUhBPQ==

Thanks & regards


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