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Torrents have Stopped..please help


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Hi;im a fairly newbee but I have read the Faq's and can not come up with a solution to my problem wich is...I use a External Hardrive for all my Torrents and seeding for my laptop only has a 40gb hard-drive so is to small..but the problem is;one day I accidentily shut-off the External and left Utorrent still running and I come back and Utorrent displays "Error" on all my Seeded torrents...so I did a Force Re-check only to have it not checked and now says "Stopped" on all my seeds..and if I press Start it begins a new download on something I already have..Also if I click on "Open Contained Folder" it says "path does not exist"...so what shall I do?..I really dont feel like re-downloading all them torrents over again..but maybe I have no choice ..please help..and sorry if this been mentioned before I did a search and seen the Faq's..could not find any resolution...

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then you need to do the manual burdonsome changing of the downloadlocation in µT's rightclick torrent -> advanced -> set downloadlocation

and point to the place under the new drive letter.

(feature request: I assume it wouldn't be to hard to program a tiny tool that can change location information in the .dat file more easily or on the fly?)

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