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utorrent is affecting whole bandwith while running...


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Hi, ppl...

I've noticed some problem today. I want my DL limit in utorrent to be 10 Kb/s and when I set this up in utorrent, all another programs (i.e. firefox, download master, etc.) are experiencing bandwidth limit. And when utorrent's closed everything is fine. I think it supposed to be a bug... Anybody could help me with this? :)

utorrent 1.7 RC2 on WinXP SP2

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Okay. Thanks for your help, but i've got no positive results... :(

I've followed all instructions.

My UL speed is set to xx/512. I've disabled IP resolving, disabled DHT, UPnP... Lowered MAX connections to 100... Lowered half-opened TCP to 4 (in bit-comet I've got 20 and that's no problem). At last I've installed utorrent v.1.6.1... And still got my problem not being solved. :(

Also, I can say that it is not necessary to close the program (utorrent) to free the bandwidth. I can just pause my downloads and in 5 sec. everything is fine. And if I resume the downloads than in 5 sec. bandwidth is being extremely reduced... :(

Help me! Please... :)

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IC is 3072/512...

PPl, please, pay attention that the problem is that utorrent is AFFECTING bandwidth for another programs, which are using internet connection. I mean when I set my DL limitation to 380KB/s (~3072Kb/s) everything seems to be fine, but when DL speed is limited to 10KB/s inside utorrent I can't surf the internet with firefox, etc. All programs have the same bandwidth limitations utorrent has while running. Isn't it a bug?

Bitcomet is working fine, but I don't want to use such a dumb ass interface and those ads are killing me...

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No, but we've heard here too many times 'it's a bug' sentcence while it turned out to be incorrect software/PC settings etc.

Anyway, are you lvlord patched? How many half-open connections did you set there.

Some screencap(s) from utorrent speed graph would be nice too.

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Okay, I see your point of you. But I made a conclusion that it could be a bug, because I've used bitcomet before and I'd no such problem, even if my DL speed was limited to 5, 10, 20KB/s, etc. Also I had encreased h-o connections from 10 to 20 there and still got no problems...

I want to help you while you're helping me... :)

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What we say can only help you if it matches the apparently remote condition that we don't understand yet...possibly due to a lack of information. It might take hours of hands-on rooting around your box to check probably dead-end red herrings...and we'd still be no closer to solving it.

But from my personal experience, I have to ask what is your UPLOAD speed doing all this time?

Is it constant, bursty, nowhere near the limit you set?

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Okay. Thanks for your cooperation... :)

Let's start from the very beginning... (May be my english is not good enough, but i'm doing my best... :))

I have WindowsXP SP2 running on my PC (P4(s478)@3.6GHz, 2Gb RAM, mb with i875 chipset). Windows firewall is enabled. And I'm using NOD32 (v2.70.32) as my anti-virus software. Router D-Link DSL-504T is my gateway to the internet. Okay.

I want utorrent to be my torrent client. I'm downloading utorrent ver. 1.7RC2. After utorrent being successfully installed I've got connection wizard window at the first start. I'm pushing the button "test your speed @ www.dslreports.com". After several tests I see that my U/L speed is about 3072/512 Kbps as it realy is. Than I choose connection type "xx/512". Port is successfully tested also. Internet connection indicator is green. Everything's fine.

I'm going to Preferences > Connection and setting up my DL limit to 380KBs as it's normal for 3072Kbps. My global UL limit is already set to 47KBs. Is that okay? I think it is.

Than I'm adding a new torrent and the process begins... :) I've got DL speed about 350-380KBs and UL speed about 30-45KBs. Everything's good for me.

But the problem is that I want my DL limit is to be set to 10KBs and UL limit is still to be 47KBs. Because I don't want my ratio to be less than 0.5 or I got banned in that case.

I'm going to Preferences > Connection and setting my global DL limit to 10KBs. > Apply. I got DL speed ~10KBs. That's okay.

Then I'm simply surfing the web using firefox and I'm experinsing a very slow internet connection. Most sites I can't even open. I don't understand what is going on and I'm trying to fix it. I'm closing utorrent and in 5-10 seconds everything is ok. IC speed is fine. Sites are opening with no problems. Then I'm starting utorrent and slow inet connection is back again. THAT IS THE PROBLEM. That is what I'm talking about. Utorrent is affecting the whole OS bandwidth. I think that is not the way it should be.

Do you understand me? Did I describe the problem properly? :)

What should I do to fix it?

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I have attempted to reproduce your report. I cannot reproduce it. I get similar speed test result on www.dslreports.com/speedtests with global download limits of 25 KB/s, 10 KB/s, and No Limit.

I believe that your upload stream is saturated, and perhaps (totally speculating here) the method that uTorrent is using to meter your download speeds is adding enough to that saturation to push you over the edge. When your upload is saturated, your computer and/or router stores packets and drops packets that are either too late or cannot be stored.

Here is how to tell: Can you reproduce your results if you temporarily set your upload limit to 16 KB/s? If you cannot, then upload saturation was the cause to your effect.

Do you get the same problem if you don't set a global download limit, but you set a download limit on each torrent download (in the Torrent's Properties page)?

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Here is how to tell: Can you reproduce your results if you temporarily set your upload limit to 16 KB/s? If you cannot, then upload saturation was the cause to your effect.

Heh, that's actually what I was trying to get at when I told him to limit the upload rate to 30 in my previous post (apparently, that suggestion was missed too :o). Thanks for providing the more detailed explanation :P

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Yep, I noticed that. He doesn't want tech support, he is sure that he has a bug. I've been in the position of the O.P. -- totally convinced that I've nailed the issue. It's hard to unconvince someone when they are so sure of their facts -- that's just human nature.

I took it lower because 30 KB/s is pretty close to 256 KB/s, which is a common upload cap. And the results (or lack of results) for 16 KB/s would be more convincing.

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Look, ppl. I realy appreciate your help. But, please, try to understand me. I have an experience using bitcomet as my torrent-client. And was no problem to set my DL limit to 10KBs and my UL limit to 47KBs. No any saturations... No lags... No slow internet connection in my browser...

Then I'm installing utorrent and I'm face to face with this problem. What should I think from your point of you? That it is MY computer stores and drops some kind of packets?

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flashback: I cannot reproduce your bug report.

If someone cannot reproduce your bug report, following the steps that you gave, then the bug cannot be isolated and fixed.

If the bug exists, then there is some additional factor that makes it appear on your computer and not mine (or anyone else's).

BitComet and uTorrent may measure traffic differently and may meter (bandwidth shape) differently from one another (in fact, I know it does). In other words, 47 KB/s on BitComet may actually produce a lower amount of wire traffic than 47 KB/s on uTorrent. One client may actually limit wire speed, where the other limits data (payload) throughput.

Please do the 2 minute test that I suggested, and let's see where that takes us. Or, if you don't want to waste your time doing that, then please investigate further and provide possible factors that makes this bug appear on your system and not mine.

PS: I'm a nobody here, not a moderator or a developer. Please consider all of the above a user-to-user suggestion.

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I can just say that f1a5h84ck have the same problem as i, it does not matter how or what the heck i'm doing to UTorrent it does not let my other internet software alone.

Have tried everything i have read about here in this forum but still non what so ever progress in the right direction. I went over from Azureus but i'm realy starting to looking back on the good old problem free days and why did i ever start using UTorrent in the first place. A Software THAT hard to configure and understand maby is not for me...


Later this day:

Said and done, now i have tested out Azureus and with the same problem as before.

Maby it's not the Torrent software it's the Vista that causing this.

I've tried the VistaTcpipPatch, and the Autopatch TCP_UAC and i even tried the netsh int tcp set global autotuninglevel=disable command to see if that could help me. And still as soon as i start the torrent software i can't use firefox or my mail (Thunderbird). BUT the guy above are using XP. So what the *?#* can it be then... :)


P.S I REALY don't want to use Azureus because i don't like it.

SO please how can we solve this?

Even later on:

Now i've reconfigured my Modem/Router and reseted it.

Still using the above mentioned varoius patches and no limitations in uTorrent at all.

AND it seems to work...

Be back in a couple of days if it don't work.


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