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uTorrent slowing down network


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It appears as though if I leave uTorrent running for a while, that web browsing starts deteriorating. I have an 8Mb line, and I have limited both download and upload speeds. I have tried using 50% of my total up and down speeds, and then browsing the internet and sometimes it takes up to 60 seconds to get a web page. With 4Mb of download stream available it shouldn't take more than a few seconds to load any particular page. What could be the problem, and what could be a solution?

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I have gone completely through your link, and all the tutorial/setting information. My uTorrent is completely setup. It has been working great with high speeds, I've limited my uploads correctly doing all the math calculations, there isn't much more I can think of.

P.S. Still slowing down network for 60 second load times, on both computers.

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I've done that as well unfortunately. Using a DGL-4300 D-Link Gaming Router. Bran new Motorolla SurfBoard modem, --ps this is not a router modem combination.

Those are the two windows. If you see anything please tell me.




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Currently there is no set, With my speed test as you can see, I should be able to handle, at half capacity of 500 KB/s not Kb.. KB/s. I rarely get up that high so even if I did get that high, it shouldn't be a problem.

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I think you mean who, but it's comcast cable, as you can see at the bottom of the speed test.

By the way if anyone knows of a way I'd like to know how to do this. I want to know if it is possible to set a master bandwidth for my computer. I want to only take up half of the bandwidth max, and have my other computer receive half bandwidth no matter what.

Also I don't know much about this but someone was telling me about having another gateway added to the house for the other computer. What in the world would that do?

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your speeds were higher than going through your isp? I think that is what you are trying to say. I do not know if comcast has a speed utility. Although I have tested my internet speed through various online test programs and they all say around 8 Mb/s.

As a test, i am downloading currently at about 220KB/s and uploading at 80KB/s. It took a total of 14.813s to get to this web page http://www.gamingmoments.net/2007/jack-thompson-nuts-it-would-seem-so/ . At first it took 25 seconds, but on the refresh it was only 14.813s. I will keep testing and I believe this is proof that something is wrong.

New stats while downloading.


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Um... no. Look at my earlier speed post. That was today! Ok here is with some more trial and error, I bumped my max connections down to 400, and that made the latency about 100ms better, still not a great latency. Then I decided to put my max upload speed down to 60KB/s, and here are the results.

These results are still while downloading at 300KB/s now, and uploading at 60KB/s.


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