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Can't fix NAT Error problem


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I've had this problem with Azureus as well. I'm using WinXP with no firewalls running, but behind a Linksys router. I've opened port 19870 under my port forwarding settings, but the btclient still reports that I have a NAT Error whenever I test the port out. I've tried out this btclient as well, and I still get the same message. During ftp downloads, I usually get around 500-900kb speeds. However, with torrents I usually get around 5-50kb average. I've even tried enabling the DMZ host, but not even that seems to work. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?

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Windows XP SP2 has a firewall built-in. SP1 has it too. Make sure you disable it.

http://btfaq.com/natcheck.pl Use this to check your NAT status (you must have the client running with an active torrent)

If you use an alternate firewall while on Windows XP SP1 or SP2, make sure you turn off the Internet Connection Firewall (SP1) or the Windows Firewall (SP2).

You may still have to disable the Internet Connection Firewall (ICF) or Windows Firewall / Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) service to prevent a conflict between it and your third party firewall. Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Services, scroll to appropriate service (ICF or Windows Firewall/ICS), right click and select Properties, select Disabled in the drop down menu and hit OK.

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I had the same problem but i solve it; simply change your security level inside your router.. set to low and this open the ports (not all of course) for azureus or any other torrent client. Besides, you must add a new rule in NAT OPTION (inside router´s setup/some routers name it different) to redirect all the range of ip adresses accesing to your router towards your internal static ip.(1). Save the changes.

Go to : http://www.portforward.com/english/routers/port_forwarding (here you get the guide for your specific router)

(1) Remember in the dos windows type "ip config/ all to get all the information you will need to asign a static ip adress; change properties (rigth click in your lan connection) and setup not an "automatic " ip but a fix ip (the first ip you get with ipconfig), put there all the rest information (DNS, gateway) and close the properties tab . And you are ready!! Normally, clients like µtorrent detects the changes at once and you don´t need to reboot them.

(2) if ypu don´t have redirectioned the external or global ip to your internal static ip, the peers outside can´t find you (normally the internal address is 192.168.1.?). Check this and you are going in the rright way!!!

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