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Vista/Wireless Making Speeds Slow?


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I just got a new laptop a few days ago, so I installed uTorrent on it, and I went through the whole process of port forwarding so that I don't have a NAT problem. I'm connected to my home wireless network, which I think is 54 mbit. I thought that my speeds would at least be similar to that of my desktop's, but I'm getting around 50 kb/s max. I thought it was because of Vista, and so I tried several things I found online:

I set Advanced> net.bind_ip to my static IP address,

I raised the Advanced> net.max_halfopen to 16

I went into command prompt and typed in "netsh interface tcp set global autotuninglevel=disabled"

I even tried the TCP/IP patch found here: http://www.mydigitallife.info/2007/04/09/windows-vista-tcpipsys-connection-limit-patch-for-event-id-4226/

I've seen it going at 300 kb/s for a few seconds, but generally speaking, I'm still getting about 50 kb/s. Is there something that I'm missing or anything else I can do?

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