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Number of simultaneous torrents, connections, DHT


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If you're sitting on a reasonably good connection (20MBit down/1MBit up), are there still

reasons to limit the number of simultaneous torrents you download to the default

(2 wasn't it?)...

Is it a problem with DHT enabled if you're downloading a lot of simultaneous torrents?

Can you run 5 simultaneous torrents, or will there be a lot of overhead making it inefficient?

Do you need to increase global number of connections as well?

Thanks in advance for any tips and info.


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Overloading your connections with peer connection per torrent (setting a too high figure), using too many upload slots, running too many torrents at once, all those might kill your connection.

There's no best settings for all, you would just have to try and see what works, how many you can get running at once with reasonable speeds and no choking, etc. Id say start with 200 connections max, 50 connections per torrent, lets say 10 upload slots? Try running two or three torrents at once and see what you get.

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Overloading your connections with peer connection per torrent (setting a too high figure), using too many upload slots, running too many torrents at once, all those might kill your connection.

There's no best settings for all, you would just have to try and see what works, how many you can get running at once with reasonable speeds and no choking, etc. Id say start with 200 connections max, 50 connections per torrent, lets say 10 upload slots? Try running two or three torrents at once and see what you get.

Thanks for the tips...

By the way.. does your download speed depend directly on your upload.. meaning, if you're uploading faster you will automatically be downloading faster (within bandwidth limits, of course). I cap the upload for gaming and other purposes, but when left alone, should you leave it with no upload cap?...

Thanks again.

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Well, Usualy you CANT use the maximum throughput of your upload cause it'll kill the connection (no room for TCP protocol overhead to work in). Id say, use %80-90 when you're not using the connection at all (idle, not at the comp etC) and around %75 when you do (or less if you game while downloading etc.. your call).

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Eh, no, I would say 75% upload cap at any time he's downloading, regardless of if he's using the connection. Raising it wouldn't be a good idea unless seeding.

He can lower it for gaming, but that may lower his downstream. A better solution is to get cFosSpeed and use it in "ping mode" for online gaming.

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For symmetrical connections? Not really, no...

Unless you actually manage to reach really close to the 100mbit, in which case it might help a little bit. :P But on a router, it'd probably CHOKE and kill your throughput, you'd need a much stronger hardware solution for 100mbit (or software)

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