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uTorrent on different sessions (WinXP)


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Hello I'd like to know if it's possible for uTorrent to download the same file from 2 sessions. I'll be clearer: I had a session in which I had installed uTorrent and to where all my downloads were to be saved. Now I've had to create a second session for my brother on the same computer, thing is he's only 8 and doesn't use Internet, he just wanted his session so he wouldn't have to share with me. Now I don't wanna waste precious time, is there any way that I can have uTorrent working and downloading my files from HIS session? Like creating a shared folder, or something else?

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not a good idea you can cause file corruption.

not to mention waste of bandwidth, and HDD space by downloading the same thing.

however if you do decide to keep working in such a >insert bad word here< fashion.

Then the best thing to do is configure Utorrent to "allow connections from the same IP"

that will let your 2nd utorrent session in your brother account to get the files from you, if you are seeding/peering and he happens to be connected back to you via the tracker.


why don't just tell your brother to pick up the file when it's done from a Share folder instead?

why does he have to be such an arse to have to download the same thing for himself?

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Err.. AllGamer you forgot to point out http://utorrent.com/faq.php#How_can_I_share_my_torrents_between_user_profiles.3F . . . which Valito basically allows you both to access the same uTorrent.. is that sorta what you're looking for? I do concur that if you're going to get the same content anyways you two are better off using one uT like above, but maybe use LABELS for both of you ;) That will allow one constant GUI and let you both download while not mucking with multiple settings / instances of uT which can cause more havoc than it solves.

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