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Reseed Question


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Sorry, you'll have to go barney-style with me, I'm not completely following what you are saying.

"wherever you download the torrent to it will save it to uT's cache (%APPDATA%\uTorrent unless you override it from Ctrl-P -> Other)..unless you use auto-load and delete, not rename loaded torrents."

So you're saying download it to the same location as the file. Not sure, however what you're telling me about Ctrl+P though.

And you really lost me with the auto-load and delete part.


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It sounds like you have just started using uT so forgive me :) You should checkout the awesome µManual maintained by Ultima. OK in the beginning... uT stores all its data and settings in one of two places http://utorrent.com/faq.php#What_is_AppData.3F and the current directory of the exe. Similarly, without changing any settings in the Preferences (Ctrl-P in uT ;)) the torrents are put there. Additionally you can load torrents into uT though the "auto load torrents option under "OTHER" in Preferences.

So 1)find the torrent 2)save it on your computer 3)Ctrl-D to find the torrent and select where on your computer you saved the file previously 4)press start, the file will start checking 0.0% -> 100% and then begin seeding :D

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