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new user to utorrent


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downloaded the utorrent program twice now. i have used the FAQ's before i came onto the forum. i think i must be slightly retarded as utorrent will not work for me? although i have designed a few websites I'm really struggling with this!

i have a couple questions:

1. the search option in the far right hand corner of the screen - is that meant to automatically direct me to the torrents in the drop down menu? i ask this because it doesn't.

2.i have managed to store torrents on my PC and then add them to the list to be downloaded - but nothing happens? initially the program starts to run saying "downloading" but then a red icon appears on the left hand side of the screen indicating that the download has been aborted?

To me it seems that utorrent isn't connected to the net - even though my browser is working fine.


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OOH! welcome :) 1) The search box yes indeed allows you to search the sites built-in (left click on search button to select)... type in your keyword(s) and press Enter. It launches your default browser (set from Program Access and Defaults). 2) Awesome they start downoading. Why do they stop? Does the status column change from downloading? Did you see http://utorrent.com/faq.php#What_do_the_red_icons_mean_on_the_torrent_status_icons.3F in the FAQ? It generally relates to the "Tracker Status" field in the General tab...

Have you checked out the How-To compiled to help with 98.9% of troubleshooting problems? Feel free to ask any questions including steps you have done / were able to do below... to help others follow along.

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