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Bitlord D/L U/L rates


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I have recently noticed that when downloading torrents if I look at the peers I am sharing files with, upload and download rates are pretty much equal. This seems to be the case with all peers and all types of client. However all the peers using Bitlord seem to upload from me on average between 750-1000% more than I down load from them.

Does anyone know how to do something about this? Some clients like Azureus allow you to temporarily ban other peers from 1 to 24 hours or completely. I know that utorrent does not but is there a plugin like 'Stuffer' for Azureus which allows utorrent to automatically take care of this?

Any help or advice greatly appreciated! :)

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You may also be crippling your download speeds by setting your upload speed too high for your connection. BitLord clients are least able to upload back to you under those conditions because they're so old and buggy.

You could uncheck allow incoming legacy connections and BitLord v1.1 will not connect to you.

If outgoing Encryption is FORCED, you'll never connect TO them either.

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Jewelisheaven and Switeck, thankyou both for your help. My upload speed is fine I have a really good connection and as I said, all the other peers I connect to both give and receive in equal measure, it's just Bitlord. If it's no trouble could you explain 'incoming legacy connections'?

Also I am going to try the above link now and will let you know how I get on.

Thanks again,

Nicstroud. :)

P.S. Could anyone explain what the "Handshake" is and does it affect connectivity or performance?

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Thanks again for everything!!

Now I know you've got better things to do than explaining things that are somewhere in the FAQ's but please, I'm begging, can someone give me an explaination of 'Handshake'?

I looked in the voluminous FAQ's, I got directed to pages of terminology (no joy), I tried looking it up on Wikipedia (still no joy), I tried googling it, looked through several sites all with terminology sections (guess what? still no joy) and eventually clicked on a link which sent me, guess where????

Back here!!!!

Help, please.


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