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Super-Seeding, how to??


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I've heard a lot of this "superseeding" ablility in µTorrent, I have the latest update fo µTorrent but I haven't found the superseed button or I dont know how to activate it!

And what can you do with it, is it better and can you use it on more than one torrent per time and does it slow down you computer or does it work on download too?

Thats about all questions, and I want grown-up answers here no other shit like off-topics or so!! Thanks for your help in advance!!!

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Super seeding is a feature of some BitTorrent clients that attempts to minimize the amount of data which must be uploaded by the original seed until the first completion of a downloading peer. The feature was conceived by John Hoffman and first implemented in the BitTornado client in mid 2003. This feature should only be used when there is no more than one seed. It is called Initial Seeding in µTorrent because it is only supposed to be used when there is only one seeder.

That was linked to in the FAQ, there's more information on that page :).

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http://bittornado.com/docs/superseed.txt <-- explains the utility of super-seeding

(also in the chain of links starting from the FAQ entry)

Read the documentation, and you'll realize that your questions aren't really relevant in the context of super-seeding...

1) It doesn't make sense for super-seeding to work outside of seeding mode

2) It works best if there are at least two non-seeding peers in the swarm, and no other seeds in the swarm. Why? Because having other seeds in the swarm may mess up µTorrent's knowledge of which pieces are available in the swarm.

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